Color Royale: Other Ways to Play
This is Color Royale's version of the classic game of Speed!
How to Play
Shuffle the deck and give everyone 10 cards, but place them face down so no one can see what anyone else has.
Once everyone has 10 cards, place 1 final card in the middle of everyone face up.
As soon as everyone is ready, have everyone pick up their 10 cards and begin the game.
The goal of the game is to find a card in your hand whose background color matches the word of the card in the middle and place it on top of the first card before anyone else.
Example: If the active card says Red, is written in purple, and has a blue background, you can only place a card down with a red background.
Be quick! Only the first person to place the right card on top of the active card counts. Anyone whose card was placed afterwards must place it back in their hand.
If you place the wrong card down, you must grab all the cards on the center pile and add them to your hand.
Example: If the active card says Blue, and you accidentally place a card with a Purple background, you must collect the entire pile.
First person to get rid of all the cards in their hand wins the game!
The goal of the game is to have your 5 cards all match in at least 1 aspect. You can match 5 cards that say the same color, have the same font color, or have the same background color.
How to Play
Shuffle the deck and place 5 cards face up in the middle of everyone.
Deal 5 cards to each player.
It does not matter if other players can see your cards, so do not worry about concealing anything.
Once everyone is ready, you can begin.
There are no turns. Once you begin, you can start swapping cards from your hand with any of the 5 cards in the middle of the table to start building your matching set of 5.
You want to have all 5 of your cards to match in 1 of the 3 ways below.
Match 1: All your cards say the same color.
Match 2: All your cards have the color written in the same color.
Match 3: All your cards have the same background color.
Remember, this is a real-time game. You must swap cards, so there’s always 5 cards for the players to swap from.
How many colors can you say without scrambling your brain?
How to Play
Shuffle the deck and deal 10 to 30 cards (10 for a shorter game, 30 for a longer game) to each player face down so no one can see the cards.
Do not look at your own cards either. It’s supposed to be a mystery!
Choose a player to go first. We recommend going off of whoever’s birthday is coming up next.
The first player will flip over the top card in their pile and place it in the middle of everyone and say the color the word is written in.
Example: If you place a card down that says Red, written in purple, with a blue background color, say Purple!
Rotate in a clockwise direction, and have the next person repeat the same process.
There are 2 ways to play this mode.
First to Zero Mode
When a player places their card down and says the wrong color, that player must now pick up the entire pile of cards and add them to their hand.
First person to get rid of all their cards wins the game!
Elimination Mode
When a player places their card down and says the wrong color, that person is now eliminated from the game!
Last person standing wins!
If any players run out of cards, they must pick up the pile after placing their last card down, shuffle, and continue playing.
Colorblind accessible version coming soon! Stay tuned!