Color Royale: Matchmaker
Create a matching set of 5 cards to win the game!
The goal of the game is to have your 5 cards all match in at least 1 aspect. You can match 5 cards that say the same color, have the same font color, or have the same background color.
Shuffle the deck and place 5 cards face up in the middle of everyone.

Deal 5 cards to each player.
It does not matter if other players can see your cards, so do not worry about concealing anything.
Once everyone is ready, you can begin.
There are no turns. Once you begin, you can start swapping cards from your hand with any of the 5 cards in the middle of the table to start building your matching set of 5.

You want to have all 5 of your cards to match in 1 of the 3 ways below.
Match 1: All your cards say the same color.
Match 2: All your cards have the color written in the same color.
Match 3: All your cards have the same background color.
Remember, this is a real-time game. You must swap cards, so there’s always 5 cards for the players to swap from!