Punish Me, Daddy Full Rules and Instructions
The Short Answer
- Draw a Dare.
- Add a Twist.
- Can't do it? Get a Punishment.
The Long Answer
- Split cards into Dares, Twists, and Punishments. Shuffle the 3 stacks before starting.
- Choose a player to go first.
- The player must draw a Dare card and a Twist card.
- The player must do the Dare and the Twist at the same time.
- If the player succeeds, they get to keep both cards as a point (1 Dare and 1 Twist = 1 Point).
- If the player fails to, refuses to, or cannot do the combination, the player must draw and do a Punishment card.
- If the player can't do or refuses to do the Punishment, that player loses all the points they've accumulated so far and must start over from 0.
- Move on to the next player in a clockwise motion.
- Continue until there’s 1 last standing player.
Alternative Elimination-Style Rules
- If a player successfully completes their Dare and Twist combination, they’re safe.
- If a player fails their Dare and Twist combination, they must draw and do a Punishment.
- If the Punishment is completed successfully, they are safe.
- However, if they fail, that player is kicked out of the game.
- Last person standing wins!
Additional Rules
- Other players get to decide if a player successfully finished their Dare, Twist, or Punishment.
- The Twist must be done continuously until the Dare is completed.
- If you run out of cards, shuffle the used cards and keep going.
- If a card is not applicable due to lack of items, discard the card and draw again.
Add Your Own Rules
Make the game even more interesting by adding your own rules!
Example Rules
- Instead of getting kicked out of the game, the player that fails a Punishment has to take a shot (of water, of course) and continue playing.
- Download decibel readers on your phones. Anyone that goes over the noise limit must draw a Punishment card.
- You must contribute to a pool of money in order to play. The last player standing wins the entire amount.